
Szkolenie 5: POMIAR ŚLADU WĘGLOWEGO – 18 października (wtorek)

Zapraszamy na piąte szkolenie online z cyklu Laboratorium Zielonej Produkcji Audiowizualnej pn. POMIAR ŚLADU WĘGLOWEGO

  • Omówienie dostępnych na rynku narzędzi, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kalkulatorów śladu węglowego, oraz celowości ich stosowania w zależności od projektu i danych, które chce się uzyskać. Jak przygotować produkcję utworu audiowizualnego do wypełnienia kalkulatora śladu węglowego?

Davide Gianluca Vacarro (Europe Analytica)*, Zsofia Szemeredy**, Julia Tordai***

18 października (wtorek)  w godzinach 15:00-19:00. 

należy wypełnić formularz TUTAJ. Szkolenie jest BEZPŁATNE dzięki wsparciu Regionalnego Przedstawicielstwa Komisji Europejskiej we Wrocławiu.

szkolenie będzie prowadzone w języku angielskim.


* Davide Gianluca Vaccaro is coordinating a pan-European project on sustainability for the audiovisual sector in the framework of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue. The project, with the objective to strengthen the capacity of the audiovisual industry to embrace the green transition, involves the main social partners of the sector: UNI Europa, The International Federation of Film Producers Association (FIAPF), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the European Audiovisual Production Association (CEPI), the International Federation of Actors (FIA) and the International Federation of Musicians (FIM).  Davide has been working in the audiovisual and cultural sector since 2010 predominantly in Italy and Belgium and coordinating European projects in several Member States. Among others he has been the European Coordinator and President of the Italian branch of the international network for young film talent NISI MASA, he participated in the foundation of the first multimedia arts center for peace education in Italy and he has worked in the Audiovisual Unit of the European Parliament. Currently, he coordinates international projects in the film sector for the Brussels-based consultancy Europe Analytica and for the European Audiovisual Production Association (CEPI). He is also the founder of GreenBubble a startup to support the green transition of the film sector.

** Zsofia Szemeredy has spent the past 10 years working in the UK Film Industry for both mainstream and independent film companies. She has gained experience in various fields from PR, Festivals and Markets to Sales, Distribution, Exhibition, Script Development and Production. In 2019 she graduated with honours from the National Film and Television School. She is very happy that after graduation she was able to combine her industry experience with her passion for sustainability and is now enjoying bringing this experience to her role as albert’s International Sustainability Manager. Originally from Hungary, Zsofia lives in London and loves rock climbing and all kinds of outdoor sports in her spare time.

*** Júlia Tordai (Co-Founder Green Eyes). Biologist, Science Communicator and Filmmaker. She is all about pushing boundaries and challenging herself in different fields of science. She truly believes that combining disciplines science, art, communication, technology can help to understand our world and create a better one. She had plenty of projects in the past where she had the opportunity to combine her biologist background with her creative skills. 2 years ago she co-founded Green Eyes Production which is a sustainability consultancy specialized for the film, tv and media industry. In her interpretation a challenge in a film production should be solved with creativity and science combined to achieve a more sustainable overall practice.

Kurs został przygotowany pod auspicjami Przedstawicielstwa Regionalnego Komisji Europejskiej oraz Krajowej Izby Producentów Audiowizualnych. Przygotuje on polskie podmioty do realizacji europejskich celów związanych z osiągnięciem neutralności klimatycznej w 2050 r. oraz do lepszego wypełniania wymogów związanych z pozyskiwaniem europejskich środków, a w przyszłości spełniania minimalnych europejskich standardów zrównoważonej produkcji.